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Status effects, also known as effects, are a condition that can affect an entity. They can be positive, negative or neutral in nature. The base game applies these effects in various ways such as food, potions etc.
The /effect
command can be used to apply effects on an entity.
In this tutorial we'll add a new custom effect called Tater which gives you one experience point every game tick.
Let's create a custom effect class by extending StatusEffect
, which is the base class for all effects.
public class TaterEffect extends StatusEffect {
protected TaterEffect() {
// category: StatusEffectCategory - describes if the effect is helpful (BENEFICIAL), harmful (HARMFUL) or useless (NEUTRAL)
// color: int - Color is the color assigned to the effect (in RGB)
super(StatusEffectCategory.BENEFICIAL, 0xe9b8b3);
// Called every tick to check if the effect can be applied or not
public boolean canApplyUpdateEffect(int duration, int amplifier) {
// In our case, we just make it return true so that it applies the effect every tick
return true;
// Called when the effect is applied
public void applyUpdateEffect(LivingEntity entity, int amplifier) {
if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) {
((PlayerEntity) entity).addExperience(1 << amplifier); // Higher amplifier gives you experience faster
Similar to block and item registration, we use Registry.register
to register our custom effect into the STATUS_EFFECT
registry. This can be done in our initializer.
public class FabricDocsReferenceEffects implements ModInitializer {
public static final StatusEffect TATER_EFFECT = new TaterEffect();
public void onInitialize() {
Registry.register(Registries.STATUS_EFFECT, new Identifier("fabric-docs-reference", "tater"), TATER_EFFECT);
The status effect icon is a 18x18 PNG which will appear in the player's inventory screen. Place your custom icon in:
Like any other translation, you can add an entry with ID format "effect.mod-id.<effect-identifier>": "Value"
to the language file.
"effect.fabric-docs-reference.tater": "Tater"
Use the command /effect give @p fabric-docs-reference:tater
to give the player our Tater effect. Use /effect clear @p fabric-docs-reference:tater
to remove the effect.
To create a potion that uses this effect, please see the Potions guide.