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🇺🇦 Українська (Ukrainian - Ukraine)
Зовнішній вигляд
🇺🇦 Українська (Ukrainian - Ukraine)
🇺🇦 Українська (Ukrainian - Ukraine)
Зовнішній вигляд
Ця сторінка написана для версії:
Ця сторінка містить посилання на всі параметри, присутні в розширенні loom
Gradle. Перегляньте сторінку Fabric API DSL, щоб дізнатися про налаштування, пов’язані з функціями Fabric API.
loom {
// Set the access widener path, see https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:accesswideners
accessWidenerPath = file("src/main/resources/modid.accesswidener")
// Add additional log4j config files.
// When enabled the output archives will be automatically remapped.
remapArchives = true
// When enabled the -dev jars in the *Elements configurations will be replaced by the remapped jars
setupRemappedVariants = true
// When enabled transitive access wideners will be applied from dependencies.
enableTransitiveAccessWideners = true
// When enabled log4j will only be on the runtime classpath, forcing the use of SLF4j.
runtimeOnlyLog4j = false
// When set only server related features and jars will be setup.
// When set the minecraft jar will be split into common and clientonly. Highly experimental, fabric-loader does not support this option yet.
// Used to configure existing or new run configurations
runs {
client {
// Add a VM arg
vmArgs "-Dexample=true"
// Add a JVM property
property("example", "true")
// Add a program arg
programArg "--example"
// Add an environment variable
environmentVariable("example", "true")
// The environment (or side) to run, usually client or server.
environment = "client"
// The full name of the run configuration, i.e. 'Minecraft Client'. By default this is determined from the base name.
configName = "Minecraft Client"
// The default main class of the run configuration. This will be overridden if using a mod loader with a fabric_installer.json file.
defaultMainClass = ""
// The run directory for this configuration, relative to the root project directory.
runDir = "run"
// The source set to run, commonly set to sourceSets.test
source = sourceSets.main
// When true a run configuration file will be generated for IDE's. By default only set to true for the root project.
ideConfigGenerated = true
// Configure run config with the default client options.
// Configure run config with the default server options.
// Example of creating a basic run config for tests
testClient {
// Copies settings from another run configuration.
inherit client
configName = "Test Minecraft Client"
source = sourceSets.test
// Example of removing the built-in server configuration
remove server
// Configure all run configs to generate ide run configurations. Useful for sub projects.
runConfigs.configureEach {
ideConfigGenerated = true
// Used to configure mixin options or apply to additional source sets.
mixin {
// When disabled tiny remapper will be used to remap Mixins instead of the AP. Experimental.
useLegacyMixinAp = true
// Set the default refmap name
defaultRefmapName = "example.refmap.json"
// See https://github.com/FabricMC/fabric-loom/blob/dev/0.11/src/main/java/net/fabricmc/loom/api/MixinExtensionAPI.java for options to add additional source sets
// Configure or add new decompilers
decompilers {
// Configure a default decompiler, either cfr, fernflower or vineflower
cfr {
// Pass additional options to the decompiler
options += [
key: "value"
// Set the amount of memory in megabytes used when forking the JVM
memory = 4096
// Set the maximum number of threads that the decompiler can use.
maxThreads = 8
interfaceInjection {
// When enabled injected interfaces from dependencies will be applied.
enableDependencyInterfaceInjection = true
// Splits the Minecraft jar and incoming dependencies across the main (common) and client only source sets.
// This provides compile time safety for accessing client only code.
// This mods block is used group mods that are made up of multiple classpath entries.
mods {
modid {
// When using split sources you should add the main and client source set
sourceSet sourceSets.main
sourceSet sourceSets.client
// Create modExampleImplementation and related configurations that remap mods.
remapJar {
// Set the input jar for the task, also valid for remapSourcesJar
inputFile = file("example.jar")
// Set the source namespace, also valid for remapSourcesJar
sourceNamespace = "named"
// Set the target namespace, also valid for remapSourcesJar
targetNamespace = "intermediary"
// Add additional jar files to the remap classpath, also valid for remapSourcesJar
classpath.from file("classpath.jar")
// Add a nested mod jar to this task, the include configuration should be used for maven libraries and mods.
nestedJars.from file("nested.jar")
// When enabled nested jars will be included with the output jar.
addNestedDependencies = true
dependencies {
// Set the Minecraft version.
minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:1.18.1"
// Use mappings from maven.
mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:1.18.1+build.22:v2"
// Use the official Mojang mappings
mappings loom.officialMojangMappings()
// Layered mappings using official Mojang mappings and Parchment.
mappings loom.layered() {
// Use Parchment mappings. NOTE: Parchment maven must be manually added. (https://maven.parchmentmc.org)
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's implementation configuration
// (Minor detail: it's not exactly applied *to* the configuration, but a clone of it intended for mod dependencies)
modImplementation "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's api configuration
modApi "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's compileOnly configuration
modCompileOnly "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's compileOnlyApi configuration
modCompileOnlyApi "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's runtimeOnly configuration
modRuntimeOnly "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to loom's localRuntime configuration.
// Behaves like runtimeOnly but is not exposed in to dependents. A bit like testRuntimeOnly but for mods.
modLocalRuntime "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Include a mod jar in the remapped jar. Not transitive.
include "example:example-mod:1.1.1"
// Include a non-mod library jar in the remapped jar. A dummy mod will be generated. Not transitive.
include "example:example-lib:1.1.1"
// Helper to aid with depending on a specific Fabric API version.
modImplementation fabricApi.module("fabric-api-base", "0.46.2+1.18")
// Depend on a loom subproject by using the namedElements configuration.
implementation project(path: ":name", configuration: "namedElements")