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Diese Seite ist für folgende Version geschrieben:
Diese Seite beinhaltet eine Referenz über alle Optionen, die in der loom
Gradle Erweiterung vorhanden sind. Bitte beachte die Seite Fabric API DSL für Optionen, die sich auf die Fabric API-spezifischen Funktionen beziehen.
loom {
// Set the access widener path, see https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:accesswideners
accessWidenerPath = file("src/main/resources/modid.accesswidener")
// Add additional log4j config files.
// When enabled the output archives will be automatically remapped.
remapArchives = true
// When enabled the -dev jars in the *Elements configurations will be replaced by the remapped jars
setupRemappedVariants = true
// When enabled transitive access wideners will be applied from dependencies.
enableTransitiveAccessWideners = true
// When enabled log4j will only be on the runtime classpath, forcing the use of SLF4j.
runtimeOnlyLog4j = false
// When set only server related features and jars will be setup.
// When set the minecraft jar will be split into common and clientonly. Highly experimental, fabric-loader does not support this option yet.
// Used to configure existing or new run configurations
runs {
client {
// Add a VM arg
vmArgs "-Dexample=true"
// Add a JVM property
property("example", "true")
// Add a program arg
programArg "--example"
// Add an environment variable
environmentVariable("example", "true")
// The environment (or side) to run, usually client or server.
environment = "client"
// The full name of the run configuration, i.e. 'Minecraft Client'. By default this is determined from the base name.
configName = "Minecraft Client"
// The default main class of the run configuration. This will be overridden if using a mod loader with a fabric_installer.json file.
defaultMainClass = ""
// The run directory for this configuration, relative to the root project directory.
runDir = "run"
// The source set to run, commonly set to sourceSets.test
source = sourceSets.main
// When true a run configuration file will be generated for IDE's. By default only set to true for the root project.
ideConfigGenerated = true
// Configure run config with the default client options.
// Configure run config with the default server options.
// Example of creating a basic run config for tests
testClient {
// Copies settings from another run configuration.
inherit client
configName = "Test Minecraft Client"
source = sourceSets.test
// Example of removing the built-in server configuration
remove server
// Configure all run configs to generate ide run configurations. Useful for sub projects.
runConfigs.configureEach {
ideConfigGenerated = true
// Used to configure mixin options or apply to additional source sets.
mixin {
// When disabled tiny remapper will be used to remap Mixins instead of the AP. Experimental.
useLegacyMixinAp = true
// Set the default refmap name
defaultRefmapName = "example.refmap.json"
// See https://github.com/FabricMC/fabric-loom/blob/dev/0.11/src/main/java/net/fabricmc/loom/api/MixinExtensionAPI.java for options to add additional source sets
// Configure or add new decompilers
decompilers {
// Configure a default decompiler, either cfr, fernflower or vineflower
cfr {
// Pass additional options to the decompiler
options += [
key: "value"
// Set the amount of memory in megabytes used when forking the JVM
memory = 4096
// Set the maximum number of threads that the decompiler can use.
maxThreads = 8
interfaceInjection {
// When enabled injected interfaces from dependencies will be applied.
enableDependencyInterfaceInjection = true
// Splits the Minecraft jar and incoming dependencies across the main (common) and client only source sets.
// This provides compile time safety for accessing client only code.
// This mods block is used group mods that are made up of multiple classpath entries.
mods {
modid {
// When using split sources you should add the main and client source set
sourceSet sourceSets.main
sourceSet sourceSets.client
// Create modExampleImplementation and related configurations that remap mods.
remapJar {
// Set the input jar for the task, also valid for remapSourcesJar
inputFile = file("example.jar")
// Set the source namespace, also valid for remapSourcesJar
sourceNamespace = "named"
// Set the target namespace, also valid for remapSourcesJar
targetNamespace = "intermediary"
// Add additional jar files to the remap classpath, also valid for remapSourcesJar
classpath.from file("classpath.jar")
// Add a nested mod jar to this task, the include configuration should be used for maven libraries and mods.
nestedJars.from file("nested.jar")
// When enabled nested jars will be included with the output jar.
addNestedDependencies = true
dependencies {
// Set the Minecraft version.
minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:1.18.1"
// Use mappings from maven.
mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:1.18.1+build.22:v2"
// Use the official Mojang mappings
mappings loom.officialMojangMappings()
// Layered mappings using official Mojang mappings and Parchment.
mappings loom.layered() {
// Use Parchment mappings. NOTE: Parchment maven must be manually added. (https://maven.parchmentmc.org)
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's implementation configuration
// (Minor detail: it's not exactly applied *to* the configuration, but a clone of it intended for mod dependencies)
modImplementation "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's api configuration
modApi "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's compileOnly configuration
modCompileOnly "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's compileOnlyApi configuration
modCompileOnlyApi "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to Gradle's runtimeOnly configuration
modRuntimeOnly "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Remap a mod from maven and apply to loom's localRuntime configuration.
// Behaves like runtimeOnly but is not exposed in to dependents. A bit like testRuntimeOnly but for mods.
modLocalRuntime "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:0.46.2+1.18"
// Include a mod jar in the remapped jar. Not transitive.
include "example:example-mod:1.1.1"
// Include a non-mod library jar in the remapped jar. A dummy mod will be generated. Not transitive.
include "example:example-lib:1.1.1"
// Helper to aid with depending on a specific Fabric API version.
modImplementation fabricApi.module("fabric-api-base", "0.46.2+1.18")
// Depend on a loom subproject by using the namedElements configuration.
implementation project(path: ":name", configuration: "namedElements")