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当构建你的模组来分发给用户时,它会被重新映射到中间映射,这会导致开发环境和生产环境(如原版启动器)之间出现轻微的不一致。 尽管这种问题很少见,但在发布之前在生产环境中测试你的模组还是有意义的。
服务器和客户端任务都继承自同一个 AbstractProductionRunTask
类。 这意味着他们共享以下选项:
tasks.register("prodServer", net.fabricmc.loom.task.prod.ServerProductionRunTask) {
// A collection of mod jars that will be used when running the game. The mods must be remapped to run with intermediary names.
// This uses a Gradle ConfigurableFileCollection allowing the files to come from a variety of sources.
mods.from file("mod.jar")
mods.from configurations.exampleConfiguration
// A list of additional JVM arguments to pass to the game.
// A list of additional program arguments to pass to the game.
// The directory to run the game in.
runDir = file("run")
// Specify the Java toolchain to use when running the game.
// Defaults to the Java version being used to run Gradle.
// See https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/toolchains.html#sec:plugins_toolchains
javaLauncher = javaToolchains.launcherFor {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(21)
服务器生产运行任务使用您从 Fabric 网站下载的相同服务器启动器,保证环境尽可能接近生产环境。
tasks.register("prodServer", net.fabricmc.loom.task.prod.ServerProductionRunTask) {
// The version of the Fabric Installer to use. This must be specified.
installerVersion = "1.0.1"
// The version of Fabric Loader to use.
// Defaults to the version of Fabric Loader that the project is using.
loaderVersion = "0.16.10"
// The version of Minecraft to use.
// Defaults to the version of Minecraft that the project is using.
minecraftVersion = "1.21.4"
服务器任务具有使用不同版本的 Minecraft 运行模组的独特能力,如果你正在开发跨版本模组会很有用。
tasks.register("prodClient", net.fabricmc.loom.task.prod.ClientProductionRunTask) {
// Whether to use XVFB to run the game, using a virtual framebuffer. This is useful for headless CI environments.
// Defaults to true only on Linux and when the "CI" environment variable is set.
// XVFB must be installed, on Debian-based systems you can install it with: `apt install xvfb`
useXVFB = true
// Optionally configure the tracy-capture executable.
tracy {
// The path to the tracy-capture executable.
tracyCapture = file("tracy-capture")
// The output path of the captured tracy profile.
output = file("profile.tracy")
// The maximum number of seconds to wait for tracy-capture to stop on its own before killing it.
// Defaults to 10 seconds.
maxShutdownWaitSeconds = 10