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Loom 有一个 DSL 来帮助配置 Fabric API 的某些方面,例如数据生成和测试。
有关如何使用数据生成的分步指南,请参阅数据生成设置页面。 最基本的数据生成设置可以用以下代码来配置:
fabricApi {
这将创建一个新的运行配置,运行启用了数据生成的 Fabric API。 可以配置一系列更高级的选项,如下所示:
fabricApi {
configureDataGeneration {
// Contains the output directory where generated data files will be stored.
// Defaults to `src/main/generated`
outputDirectory = file("src/generated/resources")
// Contains a boolean indicating whether a run configuration should be created for the data generation process.
// Defaults to `true`
createRunConfiguration = true
// Contains a boolean indicating whether a new source set should be created for the data generation process.
// This is useful if you do not want your datagen code to be exported in your mod jar.
// Defaults to `false`
createSourceSet = true
// Contains a string representing the mod ID associated with the data generation process. This must be set if `createSourceSet` is true.
// This must be the mod id of the mod used for datagen in the datagen source set and not your main mod id.
modId = "example-datagen"
// Contains a boolean indicating whether strict validation is enabled.
// Defaults to `false`
strictValidation = true
// Contains a boolean indicating whether the generated resources will be automatically added to the main source set.
// Defaults to `true`
addToResources = true
// Contains a boolean indicating whether data generation will be compiled and run with the client.
// Defaults to `false`
client = true
fabricApi {
这将创建 2 个新的运行配置,一个用于服务器端游戏测试,一个用于客户端游戏测试。 可以配置一系列更高级的选项,如下所示:
fabricApi {
configureTests {
// Contains a boolean indicating whether a new source set should be created for the tests.
// Defaults to `false`
createSourceSet = true
// Contains a string representing the mod ID associated with the tests. This must be set if `createSourceSet` is true.
// This must be the mod id of the mod used for tests in the gametest source set and not your main mod id.
modId = "example-tests"
// Contains a boolean indicating whether a run configuration will be created for the server side game tests, using Vanilla Game Test framework.
// Defaults to `true`
enableGameTests = true
// Contains a boolean indicating whether a run configuration will be created for the client side game tests, using the Fabric API Client Test framework.
// Defaults to `true`
enableClientGameTests = true
// Contains a boolean indicating whether the eula has been accepted. By enabling this you agree to the Minecraft EULA located at https://aka.ms/MinecraftEULA.
// Defaults to `false`
eula = true
// Contains a boolean indicating whether the run directories should be cleared before running the tests.
// This only works when `enableClientGameTests` is `true`.
// Defaults to `true`
clearRunDirectory = true
// Contains a string representing the username to use for the client side game tests.
// Defaults to `Player0`
username = "Username"