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Whenever Minecraft displays text in-game, it's probably defined using a Text
object. This custom type is used instead of a String
to allow for more advanced formatting, including colors, boldness, obfuscation, and click events. They also allow easy access to the translation system, making it simple to translate any UI element into different languages.
If you've worked with datapacks or functions before, you may see parallels with the json text format used for displayNames, books, and signs among other things. As you can probably guess, this is just a json representation of a Text
object, and can be converted to and from using Text.Serializer
When making a mod, it is generally preferred to construct your Text
objects directly in code, making use of translations whenever possible.
The simplest way to create a Text
object is to make a literal. This is just a string that will be displayed as-is, by default without any formatting.
These are created using the Text.of
or Text.literal
methods, which both act slightly differently. Text.of
accepts nulls as input, and will return a Text
instance. In contrast, Text.literal
should not be given a null input, but returns a MutableText
, this being a subclass of Text
that can be easily styled and concatenated. More about this later.
Text literal = Text.of("Hello, world!");
MutableText mutable = Text.literal("Hello, world!");
// Keep in mind that a MutableText can be used as a Text, making this valid:
Text mutableAsText = mutable;
When you want to provide multiple translations for the same string of text, you can use the Text.translatable
method to reference a translation key in any language file. If the key doesn't exist, the translation key is converted to a literal.
Text translatable = Text.translatable("my_mod.text.hello");
// Similarly to literals, translatable text can be easily made mutable.
MutableText mutable = Text.translatable("my_mod.text.bye");
The language file, en_us.json
, looks like the following:
"my_mod.text.hello": "Hello!",
"my_mod.text.bye": "Goodbye :("
If you wish to be able to use variables in the translation, similar to how death messages allow you to use the involved players and items in the translation, you may add said variables as parameters. You may add however many parameters you like.
Text translatable = Text.translatable("my_mod.text.hello", player.getDisplayName());
You may reference these variables in the translation like so:
"my_mod.text.hello": "%1$s said hello!"
In the game, %1$s will be replaced with the name of the player you referenced in the code. Using player.getDisplayName()
will make it so that additional information about the entity will appear in a tooltip when hovering over the name in the chat message as opposed to using player.getName()
, which will still get the name; however, it will not show the extra details. Similar can be done with itemStacks, using stack.toHoverableText()
As for what %1$s even means, all you really need to know is that the number corresponds to which variable you are trying to use. Let's say you have three variables that you are using.
Text translatable = Text.translatable("my_mod.text.whack.item", victim.getDisplayName(), attacker.getDisplayName(), itemStack.toHoverableText());
If you want to reference what, in our case, is the attacker, you would use %2$s because it's the second variable that we passed in. Likewise, %3$s refers to the itemStack. A translation with this many additional parameters might look like this:
"my_mod.text.whack.item": "%1$s was whacked by %2$s using %3$s"
As mentioned before, you can serialize text to JSON using the text codec. For more information on codecs, see the Codec page.
Gson gson = new Gson();
MutableText mutable = Text.translatable("my_mod.text.bye");
String json = gson.toJson(TextCodecs.CODEC.encodeStart(JsonOps.INSTANCE, mutable).getOrThrow());
This produces JSON that can be used datapacks, commands and other places that accept the JSON format of text instead of literal or translatable text.
Furthermore, to deserialize a JSON text object into an actual Text
class, again, use the codec.
String jsonString = "...";
Text deserialized = TextCodecs.CODEC
.decode(JsonOps.INSTANCE, gson.fromJson(jsonString, JsonElement.class))
You may be familiar with Minecraft's formatting standards:
You can apply these formatting styles using the Formatting
enum on the MutableText
MutableText result = Text.literal("Hello World!")
.formatted(Formatting.AQUA, Formatting.BOLD, Formatting.UNDERLINE);
Color | Name | Chat Code | MOTD Code | Hex Code |
Blackblack | §0 | \u00A70 | #000000 | |
Dark Bluedark_blue | §1 | \u00A71 | #0000AA | |
Dark Greendark_green | §2 | \u00A72 | #00AA00 | |
Dark Aquadark_aqua | §3 | \u00A73 | #00AAAA | |
Dark Reddark_red | §4 | \u00A74 | #AA0000 | |
Dark Purpledark_purple | §5 | \u00A75 | #AA00AA | |
Goldgold | §6 | \u00A76 | #FFAA00 | |
Graygray | §7 | \u00A77 | #AAAAAA | |
Dark Graydark_gray | §8 | \u00A78 | #555555 | |
Blueblue | §9 | \u00A79 | #5555FF | |
Greengreen | §a | \u00A7a | #55FF55 | |
Aquaaqua | §b | \u00A7b | #55FFFF | |
Redred | §c | \u00A7c | #FF5555 | |
Light Purplelight_purple | §d | \u00A7d | #FF55FF | |
Yellowyellow | §e | \u00A7e | #FFFF55 | |
Whitewhite | §f | \u00A7f | #FFFFFF | |
Reset | §r | |||
Bold | §l | |||
§m | ||||
Underline | §n | |||
Italic | §o | |||
Obfuscated | §k |